
Some people are afraid of plants, mostly because they don't understand them. Fortunately, many of our members have embraced the green side and are happy to share their knowledge. At each of our Monthly Meetings our members display the best that our gardens have to offer, from the newest cultivars to hard-to-find traditional favorites. During the pandemic, rather than hold large indoor meetings, we switched to At Home Tuesdays, reviving the old sociable tradition of visiting days. Members were welcome to drop in during visiting hours to see two or three gardens, preserving social distancing and wearing masks while enjoying the fresh air.

Our Monthly Meeting presentations are often on specific aspects of horticulture. Our 2020 calendar included sessions on eco-friendly gardening, succulents, bees, orchids, and garden design.

We also have regular workshops on horticulture run by our members. Several of our members are Master Gardeners and workshop subjects include dividing plants, starting plants from seed, and alpine gardening.



We don't just appreciate: we create. Creativity benefits from knowledge and experience, and one of our favorite ways to build our creative instincts is through our workshops.

Our Floral Design Workshops give members the opportunity to learn the mechanical and artistic aspects in a social, supportive environment. Many of our most enthusiastic participants never even tried to make a floral arrangement before.

Our Horticultural Workshops are designed to give us the expertise and confidence to ignore the myth of the "black thumb" and create beautiful, bountiful gardens.

Horticulture Workshop: Dividing Perennials

In this workshop, some members shared their enthusiasm for propagating new plants by perennial division. In addition to increasing the number of plants, dividing them makes them much more vigorous and encourages more flowering. It is easy to do, and a little hands on experience can make experts of all of us. 

Design Workshop: Stretch Design

Before each meeting, we have a workshop at one of our member's homes to work on ideas for our floral designs. We learn about the different kinds of floral design and work out ideas and techniques. Many of our most enthusiastic and accomplished designers were complete novices when they attended their first workshop. 

Monthly Meetings

We have 10 meetings a year, usually on the second Friday of the month. Seven of these meetings are Open Meetings, where guests are welcomed. Most members begin arriving before the business meeting so they can have lunch and catch up with each other. The club's business meeting usually starts at noon and is followed by a program about a particular aspect of gardening. Usually these speakers are professionals and experts from outside the club, but occasionally one of our more talented members gives a presentation in her area of expertise.

Before the meetings, many of our members work on Horticulture and Floral Design exhibits that are judged and given awards. These will be on display during the meeting, and they can be breathtaking. 

If you would like to attend one of our Open Meetings, ask any GCOG member or contact us at admin@gardenclubofoldgreenwich.org. 
